Comprehensive Guide to Codeunit.Run in Business Central

What is a Codeunit?

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, a Codeunit is a container for AL code that can be executed without a user interface. Codeunits organize and encapsulate business logic, making it reusable and easier to manage. They are used to perform operations such as processing data, handling business transactions, and integrating with external systems.

General Concept of Codeunit.Run

The Codeunit.Run method is crucial for executing the AL code encapsulated within a Codeunit. This method can be invoked to run any Codeunit by passing its unique identifier. It allows for both direct execution and conditional execution, making it a flexible tool for automating business processes and extending the functionality of Business Central.

Using Codeunit.Run

Here's how to use Codeunit.Run to execute a Codeunit:


Replace CodeunitID with the ID of the Codeunit you wish to run.

Basic Example:

Execute a Codeunit that updates inventory levels:

Codeunit.Run(50104); // Assuming 50104 is the Inventory Update Codeunit

Advanced Example:

Execute a Codeunit that calculates year-end financial statistics, conditionally:

If Codeunit.Run(50105) then Message('Financial statistics calculated successfully.'); else Error('Failed to calculate financial statistics.');

Conditional Execution with If Codeunit.Run

Codeunit.Run can also be used within an if statement to conditionally execute a Codeunit based on a boolean condition. This is particularly useful for handling errors or conditional logic in business processes:

If Codeunit.Run(50002) then

This will execute the specified Codeunit and will continue to execute further code within the if block only if Codeunit.Run returns True.

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